In order to make the most out of the mediation process and the use the time spent with the mediator efficiently, there are certain documents and information that are important to bring to the mediation with you. It is well worth the time to bring copies of these documents with you.
Income & Support Documents and Information
1. Past three year's tax returns
2. Last year's W-2 and 1099s
3. Your most recent pay stub from all your employers showing year to date pay
4. If self-employed, or if you own a business, information including records showing current gross profits and ordinary and necessary expenses used to produce the income
5. Any child support or maintenance you may be receiving or paying

Assets & Liens Documents and Information
1. Value of all real estate (homestead, cabins, rental and commercial)
2. Balance of mortgages and home equity loans
3. Copy of real estate deeds
4. Year, make, model, mileage & value of all vehicles
5. Balance of all vehicle loans
6. Account information and current balances of all bank & investment accounts 7. Description of all stock including name of stock and number of shares
8. Life insurance information including name of insured, the name of beneficiaries, amount of death benefit and present cash value
9. Current value and description of all Individual Retirement Accounts, 401ks or other tax deferred saving plans
10. Description of any pension, including monthly or annual benefit earned and amount payable at retirement
11. If you own a business, 3-5 years of tax returns
12. Description and value of all personal property including motorcycles, boats, snowmobiles, campers, trailers, jewelry, collections and animals
Your Household Budget
It is advantageous to bring a completed household budget to mediation.
Position Statements
Prior to mediation we request that you provide us a letter answering the thirteen questions discussed in the "Preparation for Mediation" tab. This will allow us to make the most efficient use of the time spent during the mediation session.